Oral Surgery

Oral surgery involves removal of an infected, unrestorable tooth, removal of impacted tooth, wisdom tooth removal, gingivectomy, gingivoplasty, alveoloplasty, alveolectomy, frenectomy, sinus lift and bone grafting.

Proper diagnosis to assure correct treatment & post operative home care instructions.

Tooth Extraction

Extraction procedures are normally done when the tooth is beyond restoration. This may be infected, fractured, or decayed. Sometimes, teeth are also extracted to allow for proper positioning of adjacent teeth as what is done in orthodontics.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

In most patients, third molars (wisdom tooth) are impacted, or erupted in the wrong position due to lack of space in the jaw. Removal is always recommended especially if it damages the adjacent tooth, has cyst formation and/or tooth decay.

Impacted Tooth Removal

An impacted tooth is a tooth that didn’t come out in its correct position in the mouth. It is normally seen embedded into the jaw bone. If this impacted tooth gives symptoms like pain and discomfort, removal is advised.

Tori Removal

Tori are bone exostoses. These are bone over growth normally found in the palate and in the lingual part of the mandible. Although patients rarely report symptoms, the condition can irritate and affect speech. Removed via surgical technique.


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Bone Defects Treatments

PRF Procedure ( Platelet Rich Fibrin ) for Bone Graft
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) or leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF is a second-generation PRP where autologous platelets and leucocytes are present in a complex fibrin matrix to accelerate the healing of soft and hard tissue and is used as a tissue-engineering scaffold for endodontics. To obtain PRF, required quantity of blood is drawn quickly into test tubes without an anticoagulant and centrifuged immediately. Blood can be centrifuged using a tabletop centrifuge for at least 10 min at 3000 revolution per minute. The resultant product consists of the following three layers; topmost layer consisting of platelet poor plasma, PRF clot in the middle, and red blood cells at the bottom. PRF is available as a fibrin clot.

• Socket preservation
Socket preservation, a procedure to reduce bone loss after tooth extraction to preserve the dental alveolus (tooth socket) in the alveolar bone. A platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane containing bone growth enhancing elements can be stitched over the wound or a graft material or scaffold is placed in the socket of an extracted tooth at the time of extraction. The socket is then directly closed with stitches or covered with a non-resorbable or resorbable membrane and sutured.
• Sinus lift[
A platelet-rich fibrin can be used if a sinus lift is required for a dental implant.
• Periodontal regeneration
Diseases of the structures surrounding a tooth , which leads to bone loss and gum recession can be treated and corrected with bone graft materials with PRF
• ‘Guided bone and tissue regeneration[edit]
• PRF is used in guided bone and tissue regeneration.
• Regenerative endodontics
• PRF enhances alveolar bone augmentation and necrotic dental pulp and open tooth apex can be revitalized in regenerative endodontics with platelet-rich fibrin.

The Clinic uses the most advanced PRF Machine to produce the complex fibrin matrix to accelerate healing of soft and hard tissues

Bone Graft

Dental bone grafting procedures restore your bone to its previous form following tooth loss, gum disease or trauma. Bone grafting may also be used to maintain bone structure after tooth extraction, or required for dental implants.


An alveolectomy is a surgical dental procedure that aims to remove some or all of the alveolar bone that surrounds a tooth and change the shape and surface of the jawbone to prepare it for subsequent procedures.


This procedure is done to reshape the jawbone to relieve sharp points , irregular bone shapes that hinder and causes pain on denture placement.


Cauterization is a medical practice or technique of burning a part of a gum to remove or close off a part of it. It destroys some tissue in an attempt to mitigate bleeding and damage, remove an undesired growth, or minimize other potential medical harm, such as infections when antibiotics are unavailable.